Huffington Post Pick-Me-Up

I thought the Huffington Post was all about politics, but then I saw a post by Verena von Pfetten that said glasses are the new gorgeous.

While this may only be true for Verena and a handful of commenters on the piece, it perked me up quite a bit.

Could this mean that wearing glasses for over 40 years will finally start paying off?

The first glimmer of hope for me was John Lennon, who started wearing National Health Service glasses in the late sixties. That was more than a fashion statement, it was subversive politics of a kind you seldom see these days. NHS glasses were free from the British government's health service, of which Lennon, like me, was a big fan. But before he wore them, many people, myself included, considered them uncool. Suddenly they were cool because a Beatle was wearing them and a lot more people opted to wear them instead of a. designer frames they couldn't really afford, b. going without glasses. He helped make the NHS cool.

So maybe Verena von Pfetten is more politically savvy than she lets on.

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