More Government Health Care Facts for Those Who Like the Truth

So, here are some actual facts to consider. In Britain, which is apparently the most despised example of evil Orwellian government health care that the opponents of government health care can think of, people are free to buy and use private health insurance for private health care. I know quite a few British people who do this. These are not people who make things up.
  • Britain's NHS sees one million people every 36 hours and 93 per cent of patients rate their care as good or excellent.
  • The CIA says that Brits can expect to live longer under government health care than Americans can under the current free market system:
  • Measured as a percentage of GDP, Britain spends about half of what America spends on health care, yet Britain enjoys greater life expectancy, lower infant mortality, lower maternal mortality.
  • My 80 year-old mother lives in Britain and has never experienced age-related government health care restrictions.
  • The World Health Organization ranks Britain's health care as 18th in the world, while the US is in 37th place.
In other words, Britain, along with many other countries, has figured out how to get better health care results while spending a less than America does. Indeed, Spain has even better outcomes than Britain and spends even less.

So, there is no reason that America can't cut medical spending while improving health care. Okay, well there are reasons. I think they are excess profit and inefficiency.


  1. The American healthcare system is undergoing a transition of epic proportions.

    Too bad the politics of private vs public healthcare gets in the way of doing what's best for the country as a whole.

    For both sides, ideology seems to be more important than the health of Americans

    This article - The Tea Party Guide to Health & Fitness - was written to bring out that debate, and if you look at the comments, it is clear to see that a lot of people have their identities wrapped up in their politics.

  2. The American healthcare system is undergoing a transition of epic proportions.

    Too bad the politics of private vs public healthcare gets in the way of doing what's best for the country as a whole.

    For both sides, ideology seems to be more important than the health of Americans

    This article - The Tea Party Guide to Health & Fitness - was written to bring out that debate, and if you look at the comments, it is clear to see that a lot of people have their identities wrapped up in their politics.
