HOPE-Full After All These Years

ObamiconOkay, so I am now officially HOPE-full. I mean, who can resist? There's so much of it going around, and besides, what else are you going to do?

I spent a lot of time over the past few years exploring feelings and attitudes other than hope and quite frankly they didn't do much for me, except bum me out. So, to paraphrase another bunch of icons, it's time to "Give hope a chance."

And no, I'm not claiming to be an icon, I just look like one in this cool graphic created at Paste Magazine. You go to the web site, upload your photo (preferably with a transparent background) and their software does the rest. It even lets you adjust the colors and put in your own text in place of HOPE. But hey, HOPE is what it's all about right now, right?

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